Sunday, December 22, 2013

3 Month Stats

 3 Months Status Update

I can't believe I'm actually writing this! Joshua is 3 MONTHS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This blanket may not work much longer as a photo backdrop...he's getting too big!!
Mommy is in the picture too! 
Wrapped in swaddling clothes! 
He's so big; it doesn't seem fair...haha

It's insane.

Time flies. 


Joshua is currently 14 lbs. 9 oz. and is 26.5 inches long. He's growing again...pretty soon even the 6 month clothes won't fit!

This month past month, Danny and I enjoyed our first Thanksgiving with Joshua,

as well as some beautiful temple light displays and music. Joshua only cried during the performance when the music STOPPED. Nice right? We have a music lover!
We met a new friend, Tillman--pretty awesome to have a friend with a baby the same age as Joshua! They're best buds already! Though...Joshua did try to roll over on him a couple of times. They tried to hold hands!

We put up the tree, and the house lights. The tree hasn't been attacked by the cats yet. Thankfully. ;P

We have tried sitting in the bumbo, and sometimes we lean too far...

We spin in circles in the jumperoo...

And listen to mommy read stories with lots of contrast.

We also tried playing the piano with mommy. Long fingers will definitely help there! (Joshua did put his hands up there on his own and hit a couple keys accidentally. He also fall asleep to me playing once in a while if he's having a rough time napping, or if we're at choir practice.

We went to visit Santa at the ward Christmas party. Joshua didn't seem to care that he was sitting on the lap of a man dressed in a red suit...he was pretty chill. We'll see what happens next year. Muahhaha!

We took pictures of Candy Cane lane lights...they're very pretty. If you haven't been to both the temple light display and the Candy Cane Lane display, you have GOT to go. It's such a fun Christmas tradition to do as a family!

Mommy and Daddy have been helping in choir, so Joshua got to listen to lots of music! (today in church, he woke  up when the cello played. Future cello player? I think so!)

We took family Christmas pictures--very fun and such a photogenic baby he is!

It's really been such a delight to be Joshua's mother. There are definitely times even now that I want to pull my hair out because I just don't know what to do, but it's all worth it! He is the most incredible baby and brings a beautiful Spirit into our home. I sit in sacrament meeting sometimes and watch the deacons pass the sacrament, and look at the ward missionaries, and I think to myself, "That'll be Joshua one day." It can't happen too fast. That's my only hope, though I know it's futile.

This Christmas season, I've had to remind myself often that it's most important to remember our Savior--the REAL reason for Christmas. It's been difficult amid the hustle and bustle of getting present wrapped, making Christmas treats, going to light displays, and just trying to do it all for this first Christmas as a family.

But I've realized something.

I CAN'T do it all. So what's the point in stressing over it?                                                      That's right.

There isn't one. I've had to step back and take time to drink in the moments with Danny and Joshua, and just enjoy being a family. To be a family: What a blessing that is! We're so fortunate to have the knowledge and temple covenants that families can be together forever! I LOVE that! Here's to all the future memories to be made as a family!

                                                                    Merry Christmas to all! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Two Months Too Fast.

*mommy went a little picture crazy...*

Has it really been two months already?

It doesn't seem like it has been that long...but it has. And it's going too fast!

Joshua is SO incredible! He's smiling all the time, he loves to be awake looking at things, and most of all, he loves to hang out with Mommy and Daddy.

Currently, he weighs 12 pounds 14 ounces, and measures and astounding 25 1/2 inches long! He can fit into 6 month clothes no problem now, though thankfully, 3 month separates still fit. :p


We are LOVING being parents. He's the most amazing baby! Just the other day, I left him on his tummy mat and when I came back, he had rolled over! All by himself (and without a ton of crying...if you saw my video you'll know what I mean...haha)!

News flash! He Joshua can sleep through the night! It's not consistent, and certainly doesn't always happen in a way that I get to sleep through the night, but he can go 7-8 hours between eating in the evening and eating again in the morning around 7am. I'm really enjoying the extra sleep, and so is Danny.

This past month, I've had my 22nd birthday, which was made all the better by having Joshua blessed at church 3 days before my birthday. Danny gave such a beautiful blessing. It was especially neat because Joshua was so quiet in the circle of priesthood holders. It was like he knew what was going on.

He absolutely adores Danny. He smiles SO much when he sees him in the morning and when Danny comes home from work. :D

And he grins huge when we say his name to him--it's like he knows it already!

The hardest part of this last month was last week, when we had to send Uncle Cameron back out on his mission. :(  We were sad to see him go, but happy he has recovered from his knee surgery and can go out to complete his mission to the Lord. He's an incredible example and we'll be sending him TONS of pictures of Joshua.

This coming week will be our first Thanksgiving with our little family. It should be lots of fun, with plenty of foods and noms.

I'm SO thankful for my family! They are the best thing in my life and have made me so happy. Best of all, I know that I can be with them forever because of the blessings of the temple.

Speaking of the temple! Did you know about the Gilbert, AZ Temple open house? It's going to be open to the public--everyone from "one to ninety-nine" haha--so don't miss out on going to see the inside. It might be the only chance you get to see the inside of one of the beautiful Mormon temples. Here's a link to where you can find more information about reserving tickets in a few weeks (they are free, just needed to help keep the flow of people under control).

 I can hardly wait to see what this next month brings! (I'm hoping for some giggles...haha)

Sunday, October 20, 2013


 Today Joshua is 1 month old!

It's insane!

We can hardly believe it's been a month already. Time certainly flies in THREE instances that I can see:

- when you're having fun.
- when you're a parent.
- when you're having fun BEING a parent!

I don't have an official weight for him since his last check up was at 2 weeks (then, he weighed in at 10 lbs, 5 oz).

Now, however, I know he's bigger than that.

My guesstimate (based on weighing myself and him, then just me) is that he's about 11.5 pounds, give or take (probably give) a few ounces.

He's about 23 inches long, or longer by now.

Our little boy has been so much fun to get to know!

Danny was able to stay home from work for 2 weeks, which was a huge blessing for us. We loved spending time with our little family.
 I love to dress up my little (but not so little) peanut, as you can see. The hats are super fun, and I'm thrilled that it's finally cooled off enough for him to kind of start wearing it, cuz it's stinkin' cute.

So far, we've been out and about pretty often, and nearly made it through all of church today, which was an accomplishment considering he was awake, but not needing to eat for about the last hour of it.

I am loving being a mother. Joshua is incredible. He amazes me every single day with all the little things he does.
 He has personality already. :)

We haven't put him in a pool yet since it's too cold, but he LOVES taking baths. The warm water is so relaxing and he'll usually go right to sleep after a bath.

Joshua also LOVES to look at daddy. Danny has been working for the last 2 weeks, so we haven't seen as much of him during the day as we did at first. When he gets home and wakes up, if he isn't already, he'll just stare intently at Danny. It's adorable.

This week, I've been working on Halloween costumes. We have a family theme. And it was Danny's idea. It's good. Really good.

But you'll have to wait until next week to see what they are. :-P


For now, just soak up these cute pictures of Joshua. Cuz he's really cute.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Our little miracle.

Pregnancy is a miracle. Birth is a miracle. It's a miracle that we as a man and wife have been gifted with the power to create life. It's a miracle that a woman's body is divinely designed by our Heavenly Father to carry that life for a 9 month period (or longer) and for that life to grow and develop into a tiny little human being, a perfect mix of a mother and a father. It's a miracle that the tiny life and the life of the mother can survive the stress of labor and delivery, despite the fact that there are so many things that could go wrong and often do. Birth it's this miracle of pregnancy and birth that brings us so much closer together as husband and wife, as a family.

Over this last week, I've had a lot of time to think about our experience with bringing our son into the world. And I've realized I have SO much to be grateful for. I have an amazing husband who was with me the entire time during our son's birth, praying with me and for me. I have two wonderful mothers who were supportive emotionally and physically throughout the whole day. I have amazing friends who texted me and helped me feel reassured, who visited me, and who encouraged me all along the way. Best of all, I have a beautiful, healthy baby boy who is now an entire week old. And I feel wonderful. I wouldn't have it any other way.

This is Joshua Timothy Peterson, OUR little miracle.

He weighed 10 lbs. 2 oz. at birth, and measured 21 1/4 inches long. He took quite a while to get long in fact, that I was growing extremely impatient and anxious for him to arrive, more so than I had been for the last few months.

In this post, I plan to detail our 21 hour labor and delivery experience. I hope you don't mind all the detail.

Let's start where we last left off. I went past my due date. And I was extremely bummed about it, as most of us are. Induction date was set, and I was set on trying to have this baby without the use of pitocin. We tried a lot of things, but there were some extremes even I didn't want to go to--Castor oil for example. Yucky stuff is what I've heard about it. But lots of walks, lots of pineapple, lots of cleaning the house and baking. Mostly just trying to keep my mind off of the upcoming induction date and the fact that I hoped I could go into labor on my own. I just wanted to know that my body was capable of getting started on its own.

Wednesday night, I asked Danny, my Dad, and my brother Cameron to give me a blessing of comfort before the big day. I was beyond nervous and worried about things going wrong, or pitocin not working. After the blessing, I felt comforted and at peace, and felt that things would turn out for the best the following day.

September 19th:

The next morning, I woke up around 7AM to use the restroom (which I did every 2 hours pretty much on the dot every night), and realized that I was bleeding. Quite a lot more than I would have expected for it to be normal pre-labor spotting, or even what they call the bloody show.

On top of this and not knowing what it meant and worrying it could be the worst case scenario (placenta detachment prior to birth), I couldn't feel the baby moving.

Danny and I quickly got the last of the things together for the hospital, and started driving to the hospital. The whole drive, I was guzzling water and nudging around on my belly to try to make the baby move. I just needed to feel a kick or two that were strong enough for me to feel like he had only been sleeping. Despite my worries, I eventually did feel him move and felt instantly relieved, but still a little nervous that something might be wrong.

We got to the hospital, went into triage, and learned that we would just be admitted without going through triage because my induction was scheduled in 2.5 hours. My wonderful friend Merri (a labor and delivery nurse herself) was kind enough to find me a brilliant labor and delivery nurse, named Erin who was with me through all of the day on Friday.

(Now, I was going to type lots...and maybe I still will. But my internet was being silly....and I made the mistake of accidentally deleting most of my post...lovely right? So here goes for round two...)

8:00 AM -- Right about this time, I got hooked up to all the fun monitors that tell you about baby's heart rate and the frequency of my contractions. Imagine my surprise when Erin tells us that I'm contracting about 3 times in each 10 minute interval, which is very good. It meant that I had started to go into labor on my own, which I had been hoping and praying would happen. 

The other good news? The bleeding was simply my cervix continuing to efface. I was at 2 cm and 90% effaced when Erin checked me then. 

9:00 AM -- Since we left in kind of a hurry, I didn't eat anything for breakfast, and neither did Danny. So I was hungry. Very hungry. And once they start you on pitocin, you're not supposed to eat anything except clear liquids. Thankfully, Erin took pity on me and let me have a light breakfast before hooking me up to the IV and starting pitocin. What did I eat? Some french toast, bacon, fruit, and cream of wheat. Yummy!

She checked me again, determined there was no change in my progress, and then proceeded to prick and stick me with the IV to get some fluids going and start up the pitocin. And then we were off, increasing contractions by the hour. 

11:00 AM -- By this time, my mom and mother in law had both been informed that we were at the hospital. I still wasn't sure at this point if I wanted them both in the room during delivery as well as Danny, but I was glad to have their company nonetheless. My mom had come around 10:30 or 11, and my mother-in-law was working until later in the afternoon (which she couldn't do cuz she was too distracted lol). 

We got to meet the doctor on call, Dr. Baulk, who was very pleasant and optimistic that before her shift was over at 5PM, we could have my contractions strong enough that she'd be comfortable breaking my water. The consistency she could see in my contractions was a good sign that this might be possible. 

11AM - 1PM -- My mom, Danny, and I settled in to watch Star Trek. That was my labor surprise for Danny--I got both of the new Star Trek movies for him and I to watch during labor. We put it up on the laptop, and I got on the bouncy ball to ride out some of the more uncomfortable contractions. 

That was a downside to're hooked up to an IV, and because of the pitocin, you also have to be monitored the whole time, so you're basically tied up and can't move around. Of course, I could use the restroom and whatnot, but I had to get unhooked from all the monitors and drag the IV with me. The most annoying part of juggling these monitors was that when I'd take the finger pulse thinger off, it would beep really annoyingly and wouldn't stop until I put it back on. Very frustrating. 

During this period, my contractions started to get strong enough that I needed to find other ways to relax because they were making me nauseous, emotional, and uptight. Danny was such a big help in trying to get me to relax and get into positions that would be more comfortable. Eventually, I moved to the rocking chair and that seemed to help a bit more than the ball, but contractions suck. And mine were about to get worse. 

1PM - 4:30PM -- Throughout the morning, Erin had been upping my pitocin slightly to move the contractions along. Unfortunately for me, my body seemed to respond by having contractions one on top of another, they way they're supposed to when you are in the transition period. I was shaky and miserable, nauseous, and definitely crying a lot. I tried not too, but my mom told me if I didn't let it out, then I would be making my body fight against the contractions, which would make it worse. 

My contractions were literally feeling non-stop. Erin felt terrible, and they tried to stop the coupling of the contractions, but I just couldn't seem to get a break, even with the pitocin lowered a lot. My mom and mother-in-law tried to help as much as they could. 

We did breathing. I had Danny push on my back a lot. I tried to move. Nothing seemed to help, and it was getting to the point that I couldn't stand it anymore. I'd been at this for nearly 10 hours and just wanted to be able to relax, to sleep. I could hardly catch a break, because the contraction would end and another would start right after it. 

It was hard to admit that I wanted an epidural. I wanted to be strong enough to last without one. But I wasn't about to feel like a failure for getting one either. 

Erin came in and asked us if I wanted to try some other pain relief options. I didn't want any IV pain meds, cuz they go to the baby. So epidural it was. 

4:30PM - Dr. Thomas was the anesthesiologist on-call that day, so Erin called for him to come down. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long, but it felt like the longest wait of my life. 

He needed me to sit up. I didn't want to sit up, or move, or really do anything at that point, but I knew I needed to in order for him to administer the epidural correctly. He was so patient and kind, very reassuring, which was good because I was half-way freaking out, even though I didn't want to feel anything anymore. 

Danny helped me sit up, and what felt like a million years later, Dr. Thomas was finished pricking and sticking, and taped me up good and tight. Now we just had to wait for the epidural to take effect.

Within 30 minutes, it was working very well. I couldn’t feel anything. I was able to sit up and talk with everyone in the room, and just enjoy the labor and delivery experience.

5:30 PM – Thanks to my lack of feeling contractions, I was very keenly aware that my stomach was empty. Very empty. And I couldn’t eat anything…no fun and no fair because Danny’s mom brought him Subway and he could eat it whenever he wanted, which he did. :p

6:45 PM – My new nurse, Julie, came in to check on my progress. The status? 5.5 cm, 90-95% effaced , and baby was at a -1 station. He needed to move down to a +3 to be delivered. But we’d made it to where we could have the doctor break my water, which was a good thing. He was in a delivery at that moment though, so I plugged in the iPod headphones and settled down to rest for a while. Definitely a good thing I did considering how much longer I had to go.

7:45PM – We got to meet Dr. Alperin, who would later deliver our baby. He was pretty awesome, not gonna lie. After his assessment, I was at 6.5 cm, 90-95% effaced, and baby had nearly made it to zero station.

Throughout the last while, I’d been feeling pretty shaky and nauseous. Definitely felt like I might throw-up every now and then, but thankfully I didn’t. Julie and Dr. Alperin thought that it was most likely because I was in transition, so despite how icky I felt, it was a very good thing.

Dr. Alperin broke my water right around this time, which was clear and perfectly normal. I didn’t feel a thing. It was kinda funny because he got up to leave and I asked him if he was going to break my water yet. He laughed and said he just did. Nice, right?

9:20PM – Status: about 8 cm, 100% effaced, and +1 station. I had been sleeping off and on throughout most of the last hour or so. Sleep was definitely a good idea.

By 11PM, I was about 9.5 cm dialated and the baby was at a +2 station. We were nearly there, but not quite ready to push. Obviously, our little boy didn’t want to be born on “Talk Like a Pirate Day” or else he would have come by midnight.

Sometime in there, my mom and dad had both come back into the room (though my dad didn’t stay during any check-ups), and one of my fathers-in-law had come to hang out with him in the waiting room. Little did they know just how much longer they’d be waiting.

Midnight. Officially September 20th.

10 cm.

We did a couple of practice pushes, and then got going. And it was a long while that we worked. Danny, my mom, and mother-in-law were all helping me, and Julie was keeping me going on when to push.

But somewhere between midnight and 2AM, my contractions started going wonky. They were only showing up on the monitor every 8-10 minutes, sometimes longer. And even stranger, only half of my uterus felt like it was contracting when we tried to go by feel. Definitely a strange phenomenon; baby was holding up well, but I wasn’t having regular enough contractions for pushing to be very productive. We kept at it anyway.

Around 1:45AM, Dr. Alperin came in to see where we were at. He watched and told me that I was doing an excellent job—very strong pushing. But the baby wasn’t clearing my pelvic bone. He just kept bouncing on it.

After we told him that the doctor in the office had estimated the baby wouldn’t be much bigger than 8.5 or 9 pounds, Dr. Alperin let us keep going for another 30 minutes with the Pitocin increased to try to regulate my contractions better.

The implication was pretty clear though: I needed to make adequate progress for him to feel like we could proceed. Otherwise, we’d need to do a c-section.

Now, I’d read enough of my friends birth stories to know that things don’t go the way you plan during labor and delivery. Not at all. So I had determined early on that I wasn’t going to have any expectations. I wanted to go into the experience expecting that things would happen the way they needed to for baby and I to come out of it healthy.

So a c-section wasn’t exactly the most ideal situation, but I wasn’t going to let myself get discouraged and freaked about it. And I didn’t. But I prayed like crazy.

Danny said there were a lot of prayers going on in that room. I believe him.

Over the next 30 minutes, we continued to push. But I had a funny feeling to start paying better attention to when I could feel a build-up of pressure on my pelvic area. As soon as I started feeling for that, we were pushing every 2-3 minutes, pushing 4-5 times each contraction. The monitor still didn’t show much, and only half of my tummy felt hard, but my pushing was working. It was working well enough in fact, that I ended up having some pretty intense tearing that freaked everyone out for a few minutes. Haha

3:00AM rolled around and Julie told me to stop, sounding very excited. She paged for the doctor and we had to wait for just a minute or so before Dr. Alperin came in and we started up again. I was exhausted, but utterly relieved. It looked like the doctor and nurse both thought I could do this without a c-section.

Around 15 minutes later, pushing 5-7 times each contraction, Dr. Alperin asked if I wanted to feel the baby’s head.

I was thrilled! I didn’t have mirrors, but that’s what cellphone cameras are for right Debbie? ;) He had hair and he was definitely on his way into the world. It was a huge motivator to keep going!

At 3:26AM, the best miracle of all happened. I became a mother to Joshua Timothy Peterson.

It took 3.5 hours of pushing, and all the stamina and endurance I had in me, but he was finally here. And all I could think about was that I hadn’t heard him cry.

Time seems to slow down at times like this, when you’re anxiously waiting for something to happen. I knew it really had only been seconds, and that it takes up to a minute, sometimes longer, for newborns to grasp how to open up their mouth and inhale a gulp of new air, but it felt like ages that there was all kinds of silence to me, because I hadn’t heard his frantic crying yet.

And then, I did. He cried, and boy did he cry loudly! He screamed and screamed, and was weighed, and pricked and poked and prodded, and then finally laid up on my chest.

He was beautiful. I couldn’t imagine him looking any different.

His hair, curly (mostly because it was wet) and reddish blond.

His eyes, grey-blue.

His hands and feet, giant and long!

He was perfect. He was mine. And now I get to keep him forever and ever.

Best. Day. Ever.

Second to this feeling was watching Danny hold him for the first time. I can’t think of a time up to that point that I’ve felt more in love with my husband than I did while watching him carefully hold our newborn son.

Now we’ve had a good 2 weeks to adjust to life with Joshua. (More on that another day). Danny is an incredible father, and such a supportive husband. And Joshua is incredible—so fun and silly to watch and interact with.

We love that we get to keep him forever, thanks to the covenants we made with each other in the temple on our wedding day. We love that we have a perfect new addition to our little family. We love everything about being parents (though the whole lack of sleep thing is kind of an adjustment, haha). 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Have you had that baby yet?

Follow the link for the answer to this ever-present question in my life at the moment.


If you followed the link correctly, then you now know that no, I have NOT had that baby yet. Thank you for asking. :P

Despite going for about a 2 mile walk Monday with Danny, and keeping myself moving around and doing lots of stuff, my increase in contraction-frequency hasn't done much to move me along any more than I was last week. We're still may 2.5 cm dialated, and just over 80% effaced. Our little boy is certainly cozy in there, and just getting bigger, if you can't tell from my giant protruding stomach.

On the plus side, I still don't look preggers from the back, so he's just jutting out further and further as time goes. Doctor doesn't think this little guy will be much bigger than 8 pounds. I just want him to get here soon.

The last week, I've had a lot of energy it seems like. Just yesterday, I made pumpkin cookies and pumpkin bread with a friend.

Last weekend, I decided I couldn't finish my nap because I couldn't get raspberry white chocolate cheesecake off of my mind. So Danny and I went to the store, I found a good recipe, and we made a yummy cheesecake to share at Sunday dinner. It. Was. Awesome.

No joke.

I've been trying really hard to stay positive, but had a little bit of a melt-down after the appointment today. It's just disappointing to learn that all the contractions I've been feeling fairly consistently over the last week haven't helped my body do more than practice contracting....It's also a bummer when you add the worry of being induced into the picture.

We went ahead and scheduled an induction for next Thurs. morning, but the doctor is hopeful that things will kick into gear more this weekend and that I won't make it that long. I had my membranes stripped (it sucks, let me tell you), and now I'm just sewing lots of cute burp clothes for the baby, thinking about what I want to clean, I wishing that I knew what I was going to make for dinner...or maybe I just won't make dinner...

Anyways, the whole theory I had on Monday when we found out my missionary brother was being sent home for knee surgery didn't quite turn out as expected. I was thinking that maybe our baby just wanted to wait until his uncle arrived in the area to make his debut. But it's been 2 days since Cameron got back and still no baby.

So yes, I'm still pregnant. The good news is that I can't stay pregnant forever. Eventually, this little boy has to come out and greet us. Hopefully it will be soon, but at least we know it will be by next weekend.

Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

1 week to go...(fingers crossed people)

39 weeks today people!
The good news?

I only have a week left of this if I'm lucky and he comes on time or earlier.

The bad news?

I'm only 7 days from my due date and there is still no baby in my arms... :(

So here's the low-down:

Basically this last week has been terrifically difficult for me, because I knew I was drawing closer to the due date (and still am), but also because he's a heck of a lot bigger inside there and making me all that much more uncomfortable. It also didn't help that I was making sure the hospital bag was totally ready, and washing a few baby outfits....and wishing that I could put a baby in those outfits.... Oh, and seeing all these cute pictures of my friends' new babies...

yeah. I am so intensely baby hungry, it's eating me alive.

It's been terribly depressing. My solution, you ask?

The one.

The only.


Albertson's made the mistake of advertising Blue Bell ice cream for $2.99 for a 1/2 gallon. So last week, I decided that I wanted ice cream. And that I wanted it to be in the freezer. Danny told me I really didn't want it in the freezer. My response was that I would only eat a little bit at a time (despite me telling him throughout the whole pregnancy that I did NOT want ice cream in the freezer because I wouldn't be able to only take spoonfuls every once in a while). He snorted kinda funny-like and said, "Yeah right!" We both laughed cuz we knew he was right.

And off we went to Albertson's.

The selection was amazing! I couldn't decide if I wanted my usual cookies and cream, or something with nuts in it, or more the end, we got Danny's peanut butter and chocolate ice cream desire fulfilled, and I got one with bits and pieces of various nuts, chocolate bits, and caramel bits. Chocolate Peanut Butter and Moo-lennium Crunch. Then we went home and dished some up in our wonderful ice cream bowls, courtesy of Bro. Wold from the Tempe Institute.


My problem was that in the days that continued, I don't think we went a single night (and still haven't) without eating a little bit (like...3/4 to 1 c. each) of our yummy ice cream. I even had to go to replace it on Tuesday night before the grocery add was up. Unfortunately for me, I had to get a rain check on the peanut butter chocolate flavor...which means that the 4 half-gallons we've invested in so far will soon turn into a solid 6.


(Part of me says I should just keep eating ice cream every day until the baby comes....and then stop after that lol).

But enough about ice cream. Even though it's awesome.

Today was my 39 week check up, and considering that this entire weekend, I had Braxton Hicks contractions ranging from 10-15 minutes apart from about 6:30 each night until I woke up the next day, I was going to be severely disappointed if I hadn't progressed any further than my 2-3 weeks of 1 cm and 50% effaced.

Lucky me, I have. :D

We are now a proud 2 cm dialated, and 80% effaced, and the baby's head is engaged. Better yet, I've been having contractions that seem like they are nearing 6-8 minutes apart for the last half hour. We'll see if they last long enough to keep going. I'll try not to get your hopes up.

I'm trying to think positive, but right now, it seems like ice cream and Danny are the two happiness factors in my life right now. I'm just so impatient to meet our little man and snuggle him and watch Danny love on him and just be able to SEE him.

Today I asked the doctor if she could guesstimate about how large she thinks he might be at the moment. She said based on how he feels, she doesn't think he's any bigger than 7.5 pounds right now. Woot! I hope he gets a little bigger, but at least now I have a rough estimate that says he isn't too likely to be 9 or 10 pounds! (Of course, he could be super dense in there...)

Overall, going into the 40th week of pregnancy is feeling pretty good. I'm still probably going to have ice cream tonight, to celebrate the fact that my body has made some progress, but I'll try not to be as mopey about how much I wish the baby was here already...

Signing off 'til next time!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

37, 38...Any time now...

38 weeks today!

Most current craving...chocolate almondy ice cream. It's good. Thank you BYU creamery for having your yumminess in the Deseret Book Stores. 

Adventures of the last 2 weeks...

- First trip into Triage: Wednesday of last week, I woke up feeling particularly swollen and felt like it had happened literally over night. That day I spent as much time off my feet as I could, tried to drink plenty of water and eat food, etc. But by the end of the day, I was still feeling unusually swollen and on top of that, had been having intermittent headaches that Tylenol didn't seem to alleviate at all. Called into the doctor on call at the hospital and was told to come in to have my blood pressure checked and verify that baby was doing well. (I was describing symptoms of mild preeclampsia). So into the hospital we went. Danny was extremely calm during the whole thing. I on the other hand was feeling like a nervous wreck inside. I was anxious and worried, and slightly hopeful that if I did have signs of preeclampsia, that they would end up making a call to induce labor...but mostly worried and anxious, flustered--feeling quite like I wasn't exactly ready for this baby to be here yet, but thinking that if he was coming, or they said we needed to induce labor, then I'd have to be ready. It was kind of a roller coaster of emotions.
37 week picture from last week

Everything turned out fine of course. We got in by 8:30PM and were discharged around 10:30PM. Longest 2 hours of my life lol.

I just had the pleasure of sitting completely unclothed in a hospital gown with all the fun, itchy monitors strapped around my tummy. The baby kept moving around and making these load wooshing and thumping noises in the monitor, which was neat to hear. But overall, the tiny triage room was too hot and the bed was super uncomfortable and it made me realize just WHY labor and delivery classes tell you to stay at home as long as you can when you're actually in labor. Hospitals are just not that comfortable of environments! Now, the staff was great, and the wait wasn't obnoxiously long, but still: lesson learned--I don't want to be in triage any longer than I have to be.
I'm definitely glad Danny was super relaxed though. It would have made me really uptight if he had been super worried too. Let's just hope things don't completely swap when we're actually in labor...

- Officially a full centimeter dialated as of last Thursday, and 50% effaced (just a slight increase from 36 weeks). As of today, still about the same, though maybe a little bit more dialated and effaced (just not significant enough to put a number to it).
38 week picture from today--belly shots are fun!
(Plus then you don't have to see the awkward faces
I make when I take pics of myself...)
- This baby has DROPPED! I finally have some relief from the rib kicking and the constant ache through my rib cage! AND, even better--I can eat normal sized meals again instead of just the mini-snacks I've had to have for the last few weeks because I just didn't have room in my tummy for more. Tuesday night and last night, I actually ate ALL of my dinner (I didn't have to shove half my food onto Danny's plate cuz I was too full :P) He's still quite the little mover and seems to get hiccups 3 or 4 times every day (always right before bed as well). Today he had the hiccups while the doctor checked his heart rate. Funniest noise ever!
Like the awkward face in this one....

Overall, I'm feeling pretty darn good for 38 weeks pregnant. The last few days I've been SUPER tired, but that's what naps are for! :D  My doctor asked how I was feeling today and I told him that I'd like to say I felt extremely uncomfortable or something so he'd maybe take pity on my, but realistically, I feel great. I can still walk around quickly if I need to; I have plenty of energy to do the few things I feel I would like to do; I've got more of an appetite; pregnancy is feeling pretty nice.

Of course, I would LOVE it if our baby would arrive this weekend. Labor Day weekend would be extremely cliche` but nice all the same. I'm just going to have to be patient matter how hard it feels some times.

*This weekend both mine and Danny's moms will be out of town...we'll have to see if they jinx things into happening. Muuuuahahahahaha! *

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Progress... :D

Today I am 36 weeks. It's THAT much closer! 

At my doctor's appointment today, I had my first pelvic exam, and the doc checked for dilation and effacement. Lovely, let me tell you. 

The good news: 

- I'm 40% effaced and about 1 centimeter dilated
- Baby is head down and no longer causing me lower back pain (I just have the urge to pee every 2 minutes)
- Danny now has a #1 Daddy navy shirt that I made today along with an "Oh Boy!" shirt for me (thanks Ashley and Susan for helping me!) 
- Baby shower was super fun and I now feel pretty much ready for our baby to arrive
- I've started making the baby book using my project life kit (if you haven't heard of project life, you should check it out at 
- I've made dinner every night this week! Hurray!
- There are now 3 meals that would probably serve 6 (so 2-3 days of dinner for me and Danny) in the freezer and I'll be making at least 1-2 more each week before the baby comes
- The doctor told me today that he's fine with the baby coming anytime from this point on, based on measurements and his heartbeat and everything. 
- We got a carseat/stroller! Hurray! Now we just need to install the base in the goal is that we'll do that this weekend and have it checked at the fire department.

The bad news...
- I was reminded that I don't like scary thunder. At all. Last night, when the thunder crashed down over our house, I was basically jolted rudely awake, only to lie awake on edge for a good hour, occasionally jumping more at the thunder that would rumble and crack. I was so startled I rolled (yes rolled) a good 2 feet on the bed to be closer to Danny. He woke up and then we were both up, but despite the loud thunder and rain, he fell back asleep. I couldn't. It wasn't fun. 
- other than that...there isn't any bad news. :)

Overall, I'm feeling great! I'm a little anxious about labor still, and I certainly don't get the best nights' sleep even on nights where the thunder is absent, but those things are out of my control. I'm grateful to have Danny to take care of me, and help with dinner. He's excited for tonight cuz I'm making fish and that's his favorite. :D

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A little doseof the 5 week perspective

35 weeks today!

This baby boy is approximately 18 or more inches long, and weighs upwards of 5-5.5 or so pounds already, and he's just gonna get BIGGER! I decided that today I'm going to just write, instead of listing everything out.

Danny and I are getting more impatient (well, I'M getting more impatient) for this boy to make his official debut. I can hardly wait to be done with the uncomfortable part of pregnancy; the whole feeling like a whale thing and whatnot. My ribs ache and I don't sleep well. I watch the inevitable stretch marks with a helplessness you can't understand until you have them and they just keep appearing...I've gotten to the point that people who haven't seen me for a while ask me how much longer I have and I say 5 weeks and they reply, "Oh, I thought it was less than that." Hahaha! I wish! All in all, yesterday, I was having quite the dose of the pregnancy blues...

But then I get a dose of what I'm going to call the 5 week perspective, and I realize I'm extremely blessed.

I say this because I talked recently with a friend who is due about a month after me and I realize I do NOT wish he would come early. Because he could be too early, and have potential health problems. Or I could have the added trial of having been in the hospital 4-5 times in my 2nd/3rd trimester for preterm labor contractions, 2-3 times in the last 2 days alone. I could be 8-10 weeks away from my due date and be told by doctors that I wasn't going to be able to sustain the pregnancy more than a week or 2. If that. I could be on bedrest instead of moving about and keeping busy to help things go by faster.

Yes. I am very fortunate indeed.

I've been blessed to have been able to go through this entire pregnancy feeling, overall, quite fantastic. I've been able to do a lot this summer, between teaching swimming lessons, decorating the baby room, and general house cleaning.

I haven't had difficulty gaining weight, and I've been able to gain weight healthily. Until a week or so ago, I was feeling pretty itty bitty as far as pregnant tummies go, and by all accounts, I still am a pretty small pregnant gal.

I feel this baby move constantly, and he and I are both doing wonderfully well since last weeks' appointment.

I have a beautiful home to live in, and the luxury of a husband with a job sufficient that I won't have to return to work after the baby is born. I have wonderful family and friends who take care of me, and who help me in so many ways, and will continue to help me after the baby is born.

My life is pretty amazing, and it's extremely selfish of me to think I have such a hard time of it, when it could be so much harder. Yes pregnancy is difficult at times, and labor still scares the heck out of me. But I'm healthy, the baby is healthy, Danny is healthy, and our due date is just getting closer. Time to jump off my own pity-train and find someone else who needs help and support more than I do. Because I can still help others, and do things for them that they can't do for themselves.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

The 6 week conundrum...

How far along? 34 weeks today. only 6 more to go. (crossing fingers)

Baby:  Our little guy is roughly the size of a cantaloupe, and he is active, and strong, and a very good kicker.

Stretch marks? Yes yes, and a few more now. Apparently he doesn't have enough room lol.

Weight gain? Depressing. I think I've hit the 33 mark, and I have 6 weeks left...he's only gonna get bigger. On the plus side, I don't feel like a whale quite yet.

Sleep: Not so much fun still. I wake up at least 3 times during the night, usually to pee, but sometimes just to wake up. My comfort level while I'm sleeping is minimal it seems.

Movement: Lots of it! He's one active little bugger. He's made my tummy jiggle with his little wriggles quite often. I like watching him move, I just wish it didn't hurt as much lol. 
Cravings: Chocolate is good, but mostly I'm just content to find something to eat that sounds appetizing. Food doesn't exactly have much room to fit anymore.

Symptoms: Lower back ache--probably sciatica. Today, the doc said he thinks the baby is currently sunny side up, which isn't ideal for delivery and definitely makes my life much more painful in the lower back region. Hoping he moves and twists around before he's due to come cuz I really don't want back labor.
Wedding ring on or off? :( Off. I was getting too scared of it not coming off and now I can't get it back on without feeling like it'll just stay there. I have a fake one, but my ring size is officially a bit bigger. I'll survive, but I miss my wedding ring...

Happy or moody most of the time? I'm feeling a bit more moody right now, but I think it's just the back pain talking.

Looking forward to: Seeing him and officially deciding on a name. We have one, but we wanna see him first to decide it fits. Baby shower is in a week and a half, so I can finally go crazy getting the rest of the baby supplies (aka carseat, clothes, diapers, etc.)          

Things to Stress About: Learning to be a mom. It's tough to be pregnant and take care of friends babies. I can hardly fathom doing it with my own. It's kind of scary that Danny and I will be responsible for caring for a tiny little baby.

How is the Husband Doing? He's very patient and willing to help me when I need help. He's definitely excited to finally have our baby here. I am too--who wouldn't be after this long! I can hardly wait to see him hold the baby! Please someone, hit the fast forward button on our lives so we can get to the end faster! 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

And now down to 8. :D

How far along? 32 weeks. 8 weeks to go! (The 10 week mark came at a time that our kitty cat died, so I wasn't really in any emotional shape to want to blog about much...)

Baby:  My guesstimate, based on where he was last time, is that he's close to 17 in. long now, and probably weighs more like 4 pounds something ounces. If not, then the pregnancy update says he's approximately 3.75 pounds, and the size of a jicama (whatever that He's definitely bigger and rib cage can attest to that.

Stretch marks? Yep, still there, and I'm sure they'll stay for a while. :P

Weight gain? closer to 25 or 28 pounds now. Doctor says I'm "normal to the point of boring" and that I'm gaining weight just where I need to be right now. So I guess that's good right? I figure he's supposed to gain about 1/2 a pound a week now, so bare minimum, I probably have to gain at LEAST 5 more pounds. No bigs. :D

Sleep: I'm plagued by what feels like a constantly full bladder. It's like I never get a break! Some days, I just come home from swim lessons and take a nap cuz the previous nights' rest wasn't nearly enough.

Movement: Much stronger now! I'm pretty sure I can feel feet and his head/bum every now and then. It's pretty fun! He's also taken to stretching out, so I feel him in two or three places at once. So excited to meet him!
Cravings: Dark chocolate covered almonds. good.

Symptoms: Heartburn has taken some toll on me. My remedy has been taking tums (which make sure I don't have constant charlie horses), and eating a breakfast of oatmeal with a little of cinnamon and honey mixed in. I haven't had a problem with heartburn since. :D
Wedding ring on or off? Still wearing it, but I'm not sure I can much longer. I can pull it off if I put my hand somewhere cold in the mornings, and it's not uncomfortable to maybe I can make it to delivery...we'll see. I certainly don't FEEL swollen in my hands. lol.

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy, definitely. :D I'm enjoying being pregnant, just wish I didn't have aches and pains around my back so much, but it comes with the job description I suppose.

Looking forward to: Baby shower, shopping for things for the baby, and seeing him! I'm rooting for a week early!              

Things to Stress About: Labor and delivery. Childbirth class is great, but it's still really an unknown for me. I just want to keep learning as much as I can about it so I feel like I have some inkling of what to expect.

How is the Husband Doing? Well, besides probably being scarred for life at childbirth class (we watched a brief segment in a video of a live birth, from doctors point of view--no worries, we survived, but I certainly don't want mirrors in the delivery room lol), he's doing great! We took maternity pictures together and I feel like we're both extremely excited for this little man to finally get here. These last few weeks haven't gone by fast enough, that's for sure! I love him so much and I feel super fortunate to have him as my husband! He takes really good care of me, and will be such a fantastic father! :D

Friday, June 21, 2013

12 weeks to go!!!! (give or take a little)


How far along? 28 weeks! Only 12 to go till it's DUE DATE TIME!

Baby:  Right now, our baby is measuring exactly 3lbs. and 6oz.--measuring at the gestational age of 30 weeks and 3 days today! We were fortunate enough to have a 28 week ultrasound this week to verify his growth and development was A-okay! Everything looks great, and we shouldn't need to go in for further ultrasounds (though who can complain when you get to see your baby just one more time in there?). If we're lucky, maybe this little guy will get big enough fast enough that he decides he's ready to pop out a little early! If not, the pool is definitely my friend. ;)

(My guess is that he's a little further on his development (78th percentile) simply because he's growing tall.)

Stretch marks? officially present--I have 3 or 4 on my hips, but I just take it as a sign that my body was just too little to accommodate a growing baby boy without stretching out some more.

Weight gain? about 20 pounds. I haven't gained more than maybe a pound since the last time doctor said I had gained too much. Which she said is a good sign because it means that the baby isn't growing too big too fast, and neither am I. I'm feeling much better now that I'm in the water doing lessons and exercising most of the day, as well as eating lots of fruits and veggies!

Sleep: The body pillow is definitely a hit! I may not be able to give it up after I have the's too comfy.

Movement: All day and everyday! Just a few minutes ago I watched my tummy do a little dance. I've also started feeling him exploring the areas near my ribs...not exactly super comfortable, but endurable just the same. 
Cravings: Ice cream is starting to sound more and more delicious, despite the nasty after taste I still get. Resist!!!!!

Symptoms: This baby has taken to sitting on my sciatic nerve in my lower back. It makes it ache every now and again. Thankfully, I've been in the water basically every day for the last month teaching lessons, and the weightless feeling is AMAZING!

Wedding ring on or off? Still on! :) Getting a little tough to pull off in the mornings for lessons, but that's been like that as long as I can remember.

Happy or moody most of the time? happy and excited, and just a little nervous about having things ready for him to come home. Good thing most of July I'm not teaching lessons so I can go to town cleaning the baseboards and everything....just kidding...?

Looking forward to: Finishing the baby room, baby shower, and meeting our son! It's getting so close!!!


Things to Stress About: Picking a darn carseat! It's been bothering me all week! I think we've almost got it picked, but I just want to be happy with it, along with everything else lol.

How is the Husband Doing? I think he enjoys watching my jittery tummy as much as I do. :D He's felt the baby move a lot more often now. He also likes to kiss my tummy and talk to him in a funny voice. It's really sweet. We finally have a name or two we really love! Now just to wait to see him and make sure it fits before we announce anything!

Take a look at how much babies like Danny! He's going to be a fantastic father! (Thanks to Ashley and Susan for all their help on the baby room, and for letting us practice snuggling with Linus!)

Look for another post when the big 10 week countdown hits!!!