Here's a few thoughts I've been having today:
I've been consciously struggling with my depression and anxiety for nearly 8 months now. But I've been struggling with it much longer than that, I just didn't admit it to myself.
I tried multiple things to help me get back into the upswing on my depression cycles, but I was cycling: every month, for at least a week, I'd have a really negative mindset that exercise, scripture study, girl time, etc. just wouldn't fix. I'd eventually get out of it and go on with life. Chalking it up to PMS since it was only 1x per month. It wasn't.
Back in May 2014, I finally admitted I was dealing with more than just a bit of a bad day. I had something serious going on and I needed to talk to someone about it. The first person I spoke to about it was my best friend, my husband. I had an emotional breakdown after his birthday treat went wrong. (Banana cream pie, EVERYWHERE on me in the car. It was a mess...but hardly worthy of the breakdown I experienced.)
Guys, I literally hadn't cried in MONTHS. And I cried that day.
I had been feeling SO disconnected from everyone, family included. When I finally admitted what I was dealing with and reached out for help, I realized how helpful they can be.
It was in the process of reaching out to find what would help me that I discovered the beachbody program, 21 Day Fix and became a part ofNoelle Briggs first challenge group as a coach. I was HOOKED, both to the programs and Shakeology, but mostly to the atmosphere of a challenge group. I LOVE talking to people, helping people, and seeing success happen. It's part of why I chose teaching as my degree.
After doing 21 day fix, beginning to drink shakeology daily, and building a better lifestyle for myself, I began to really see a difference in my life. I'm happier, more motivated, more positive in difficult situations (don't get me wrong I still have down days), and most of all, I'm a better me. I have worked hard to get to where I am physically, but what I'm most proud of is how far I've come mentally. There were so many contributing factors to what helped me get to where I am now, but doing 21 day fix in a challenge group and really throwing myself into this has helped me immensely.
After I did challenge groups 2 times under Noelle, I knew this was something I needed to share with other people, in any way possible--big or small. So I joined as a coach. I needed to feel that I was making a difference in someone else's life and now I get to feel that EVERY DAY. It's an amazing feeling, and it does wonders for my self-esteem.
So here's my invitation to you to checkout the avenue of coaching. If you need a dose of positive uplift every day in your life and are willing to work 2-3 hours on your computer essentially talking to people and reconnecting with as many people as you can, then let me know and I'll add you to the sneak peak for coaching that is happening right now. You'll get to read the stories of coaches who've been at this for a year or more, some even emoticon
I hope this post or my blog post have been helpful to some of you today! Being happy is about more than just making it through the day! It's not bad to admit you need help to feel happy. Just start talking and you'll be amazed at the people God put in your life to help you.