As you can tell, I'm quite the artist these days. A few weeks ago, I discovered the art of drawing. My preference is the marker, but momma's not a fan of the marker actually finding it's way onto everything. Clothes, carpet, walls, tile, etc. She doesn't know I was listening, but she said she's got these "white board crayons" for Christmas under the tree. I'm not sure which present they are, but I'll be watching....
Some of my newest skills are relative to climbing. I can now fit inside some extremely small locations. Sometimes I even get stuck going through my toy farm house. It's not a fun feeling guys. Thankfully my mom is super awesome and rescues me quick!
Speaking of momma, I now speak to her constantly. Sometimes, I just whisper her name for fun..."mommommommommoma" It's pretty great stuff, this language ability. Now if only my "s" words didn't all come out like "sahsa"--yes, I do in fact LOVE salsa and chips. Mexican food is the best thing ever invented. (Beans, beans, the magical fruit anyone? I'm learning well Grandpa.)
I'm getting pretty frustrated with mom and dad for not ALWAYS understanding my baby speak. When I say "buh!" I mean I want to push the garage door button now please! When I say "behr" (which is pretty obvious I think) I want pears. When I sign "more" insistently and point, it means I want whatever is in the general direction--duh! Whenever I bang my hands on the container cupboards, I'm asking for you to open it up and give me free reign with the pots and pans. (you have no say in the matter actually, despite being my parents. love ya guys.)
Food and I have a love hate relationship lately. Sometimes I am totally cool with eating EVERYTHING in sight. Other times, whatever "healthy" stuff mom gives me is just NOT appealing and I'd rather eat animal crackers and drink lots of "mih" (while signing "milk") thank you very much. On this day over here, we made this AWESOME looking gingerbread house. I ate a whole gingerbread guy. And some gummies. It's mom's fault I look like this cuz she never gives me any candy. like ever.... (I've been told I'll thank her for it one day? That day is yet to come)
Oh! I have a new trick! Let's see if you can guess what it is! I pull my ears out. And I bob my head up and down. And if I could just make the sounds come out of my mouth at the same time as doing those two tricksy things, then I'd say "oo! Oo! Ah! Ah!"
Yeah, monkey's are pretty cool stuff. And the Curious George puppet book with "behlulubes" in it is my favorite book right now. I can make the puppet do if you're happy and you know it and patty cake! Definitely the greatest thing invented. Mom has been trained to read this to me before every nap (almost..she forgets sometimes).
I went to give a present to my friend Aurora the other day. And I was most displeased to learn momma gave her MY shape sorter! We proceeded to have a shouting match about who was in charge of doing the shapes. (It should have been me cuz I know my shapes so well now, but I was trying to be nice, so I bonked her hard on the head with my head and let her play with the toy too. Mom says it wasn't very nice, but I was just trying to give her boy kisses.)
Oh and guys! Have you seen the Christmas trees? They're everywhere and there are so many shinies on them! I love to touch the lights and pull off the shiny balls to play with (and sometimes break).
One of my other favorite Christmas activities was looking at the choo-choos in the neighbor's yard. They were like moving cars! And were totally off not fair cuz I was dying to touch them and help them zoom around!
Mom thinks I like firetrucks, so we went with daddy and the scouts to the fire station a few weeks ago. It would have been more fun if she hadn't try to abandon me on the fire truck to take my picture. So not cool mom.
These crazy parents of mine took me to see a movie a while ago....yeah. that was a mistake on their part. I liked the big puffy white robot guy for a little while, but really, I just wanted to crawl all over the other people's feet and preferably eat their floor snacks. (Mom has a problem with this for some reason...)
Aunt Jenna definitely has top status in my life right now. She's my best friend (besides mom, dad, grandma, grandma, grandpa, grandpa, and grandpa, Lincoln, Natalie, oh and the cats!)
Hello? Are you there? I mostly say "Ahhh? uhhhh?" but mom and dad are great at playing my game of answering the phone. They have now graduated to advanced phone talking status.
They actually scored a few points at the ward Christmas party for letting me drink from a big boy cup and eat my rolls on a fork.
But they lost those points and dropped into the negatives on my radar later than night.
I think the next pic is self explanatory.
Clearly I did not enjoy that strange man in red and white. I was WAY more interested in the toys he had stashed near his big ol' chair!
Mom usually earns points back on a daily basis by taking me to the park to go down the slides. I hold hands now. I've graduated from going down backwards. That's for babies.
Bikes and cars are "oom ooms" so mom is expected to interpret these sounds accordingly. That one's pretty obvious. I get the credit there for communicating the best!
PS: We're trying to move to a new house so I can grow up big with baby brothers and sisters (no Mom doesn't have a baby in her tummy yet--I've checked!-- but I'm getting eager for a sibling so she better work on that......). I have to pick up my toys now to keep the house clean for people to look at. Lame. I see some birds outside, and a wagon to push, so I'm gonna go play now!
I'll now blow you a big giant kiss bye bye! --Joshua
Merry Christmas!
The Petersons
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