Friday, June 21, 2013

12 weeks to go!!!! (give or take a little)


How far along? 28 weeks! Only 12 to go till it's DUE DATE TIME!

Baby:  Right now, our baby is measuring exactly 3lbs. and 6oz.--measuring at the gestational age of 30 weeks and 3 days today! We were fortunate enough to have a 28 week ultrasound this week to verify his growth and development was A-okay! Everything looks great, and we shouldn't need to go in for further ultrasounds (though who can complain when you get to see your baby just one more time in there?). If we're lucky, maybe this little guy will get big enough fast enough that he decides he's ready to pop out a little early! If not, the pool is definitely my friend. ;)

(My guess is that he's a little further on his development (78th percentile) simply because he's growing tall.)

Stretch marks? officially present--I have 3 or 4 on my hips, but I just take it as a sign that my body was just too little to accommodate a growing baby boy without stretching out some more.

Weight gain? about 20 pounds. I haven't gained more than maybe a pound since the last time doctor said I had gained too much. Which she said is a good sign because it means that the baby isn't growing too big too fast, and neither am I. I'm feeling much better now that I'm in the water doing lessons and exercising most of the day, as well as eating lots of fruits and veggies!

Sleep: The body pillow is definitely a hit! I may not be able to give it up after I have the's too comfy.

Movement: All day and everyday! Just a few minutes ago I watched my tummy do a little dance. I've also started feeling him exploring the areas near my ribs...not exactly super comfortable, but endurable just the same. 
Cravings: Ice cream is starting to sound more and more delicious, despite the nasty after taste I still get. Resist!!!!!

Symptoms: This baby has taken to sitting on my sciatic nerve in my lower back. It makes it ache every now and again. Thankfully, I've been in the water basically every day for the last month teaching lessons, and the weightless feeling is AMAZING!

Wedding ring on or off? Still on! :) Getting a little tough to pull off in the mornings for lessons, but that's been like that as long as I can remember.

Happy or moody most of the time? happy and excited, and just a little nervous about having things ready for him to come home. Good thing most of July I'm not teaching lessons so I can go to town cleaning the baseboards and everything....just kidding...?

Looking forward to: Finishing the baby room, baby shower, and meeting our son! It's getting so close!!!


Things to Stress About: Picking a darn carseat! It's been bothering me all week! I think we've almost got it picked, but I just want to be happy with it, along with everything else lol.

How is the Husband Doing? I think he enjoys watching my jittery tummy as much as I do. :D He's felt the baby move a lot more often now. He also likes to kiss my tummy and talk to him in a funny voice. It's really sweet. We finally have a name or two we really love! Now just to wait to see him and make sure it fits before we announce anything!

Take a look at how much babies like Danny! He's going to be a fantastic father! (Thanks to Ashley and Susan for all their help on the baby room, and for letting us practice snuggling with Linus!)

Look for another post when the big 10 week countdown hits!!!