Wednesday, September 3, 2014

And so it begins!

11 Months!

This last month has flown by! Despite taking his picture at the end of the month, I totally spaced updating Joshua's stats. So here's what he's been up to this last month:

- Lot's of standing and cruising: He's getting so fast at walking around furniture, and even loves the walker wagon we borrowed until we get him one for his birthday (shhhh! don't tell). He has all kinds of things he wants to explore now!

- Being outside: this is Joshua's new favorite thing. It's throwing me for a loop that the weather got nice and then hot again. Boy am I suffering cuz I would LOVE to just let him roam free on the patio, but it's been too hot, or it's been crazy rainy.

- learning new sounds: "dat" is still cat, but it also means dog, bird, and any animal he happens to see; "bah" is his sound for book and for bottle/cup of milk; "mommom" is what I think is his sound for me...we'll see if that sticks. haha

- New tricks, like standing on his head. See right....

- developing a picky appetite: all of the sudden, he won't just eat everything I give him. He's selective. If there are chicken pieces, cheese pieces, and broccoli, he'll pick out exactly what he wants and leave the rest.

- baby signs: he finally learned "more!" It's been so funny cuz he'll use more and do this funny, underhanded pointing thing to gesture that he wants something, even if he hasn't started eating it yet (like mom's smoothie). He also only wants to eat what Danny and I are eating. If it's not exactly the same thing, or something he likes better, than you can bet he won't touch it.

- End of breastfeeding: We stopped just after 11 months cuz he was just not nursing well. Change for me? A bit, but more of a relief in many ways. Change for him? doesn't seem like it, but he's been WAY more clingy than he was last week. Hopefully it'll pass, but for now, I'll do my best to give him extra snuggles and stories cuz he's sure a momma's boy.

I've realized something today: you start out life as a mom with a newborn. And it's hard cuz it's new and you've never been so sleep deprived and yada yada. Well,  you finally get used to that, and BAM! Something changes! They turn into these teething little devils with drool and poor naps, and all kinds of temperaments.  Then you get used to that all over again, and things are good for a while. They start doing fun things like crawling, getting into a few things, but not too many things, and then suddenly that's not enough. They are awake longer, into EVERYTHING, and you just have to go go go to keep up with them. All of the middle adjustments have been a piece of cake compared to this! I feel like I'm as tired as I was when Joshua was brand new! My body isn't used to having to provide so much physical energy throughout the day to keep up with him and to keep him entertained. So end of my little schpeel: I'm tired and I'm feeling it. Now I just need to adjust haha.

Love my little bugeroo. He's growing up so fast! It's easy to just let him be independent all the time, but I have to remind myself he still needs me a TON right now, and will for the next 18 years (or

Here's to the next month, the month I'm officially going to be the mother of a toddler. *dun dun dun duhhhhhh*