Thursday, July 18, 2013

And now down to 8. :D

How far along? 32 weeks. 8 weeks to go! (The 10 week mark came at a time that our kitty cat died, so I wasn't really in any emotional shape to want to blog about much...)

Baby:  My guesstimate, based on where he was last time, is that he's close to 17 in. long now, and probably weighs more like 4 pounds something ounces. If not, then the pregnancy update says he's approximately 3.75 pounds, and the size of a jicama (whatever that He's definitely bigger and rib cage can attest to that.

Stretch marks? Yep, still there, and I'm sure they'll stay for a while. :P

Weight gain? closer to 25 or 28 pounds now. Doctor says I'm "normal to the point of boring" and that I'm gaining weight just where I need to be right now. So I guess that's good right? I figure he's supposed to gain about 1/2 a pound a week now, so bare minimum, I probably have to gain at LEAST 5 more pounds. No bigs. :D

Sleep: I'm plagued by what feels like a constantly full bladder. It's like I never get a break! Some days, I just come home from swim lessons and take a nap cuz the previous nights' rest wasn't nearly enough.

Movement: Much stronger now! I'm pretty sure I can feel feet and his head/bum every now and then. It's pretty fun! He's also taken to stretching out, so I feel him in two or three places at once. So excited to meet him!
Cravings: Dark chocolate covered almonds. good.

Symptoms: Heartburn has taken some toll on me. My remedy has been taking tums (which make sure I don't have constant charlie horses), and eating a breakfast of oatmeal with a little of cinnamon and honey mixed in. I haven't had a problem with heartburn since. :D
Wedding ring on or off? Still wearing it, but I'm not sure I can much longer. I can pull it off if I put my hand somewhere cold in the mornings, and it's not uncomfortable to maybe I can make it to delivery...we'll see. I certainly don't FEEL swollen in my hands. lol.

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy, definitely. :D I'm enjoying being pregnant, just wish I didn't have aches and pains around my back so much, but it comes with the job description I suppose.

Looking forward to: Baby shower, shopping for things for the baby, and seeing him! I'm rooting for a week early!              

Things to Stress About: Labor and delivery. Childbirth class is great, but it's still really an unknown for me. I just want to keep learning as much as I can about it so I feel like I have some inkling of what to expect.

How is the Husband Doing? Well, besides probably being scarred for life at childbirth class (we watched a brief segment in a video of a live birth, from doctors point of view--no worries, we survived, but I certainly don't want mirrors in the delivery room lol), he's doing great! We took maternity pictures together and I feel like we're both extremely excited for this little man to finally get here. These last few weeks haven't gone by fast enough, that's for sure! I love him so much and I feel super fortunate to have him as my husband! He takes really good care of me, and will be such a fantastic father! :D